The Leadership Team
Evan Plys, PhD, ABPP
Dr. Plys is a licensed, board-certified geropsychologist with clinical expertise in treating older adults, and specifically dementia family caregivers.
Maggie Syme, PhD, MPH
Dr. Syme is a licensed geropsychologist with specialty clinical training with older adults, caregiving, and well-being for individuals with cognitive impairment.
Ana-Maria Vranceanu, PhD
Director, Center for Health Outcomes and Interdisciplinary Research
Dr. Vranceanu is a licensed clinic psychologist with expertise in adaptation to disease and chronic pain. She is the Director of CHOIR and a Principle Investigator for many aging-related clinical trials.
The Clinical Team
Our commitment to training
Within the MGB CHOIR Caregiver Clinic we are committed to training the next generation of geropsychologists in evidence-based treatments for older adults. We offer training opportunities for:
Practicum students
Doctoral Clinical Psychology Interns
Postdoctoral Fellows
If you are interested in training opportunities, click here.