Frequently Asked Questions

What insurance do you take?

Major insurances accepted, including Medicare and MassHealth. Some psychological services provided in the Caregiver Clinic may be billed to the care recipient’s primary insurance, which is consistent with insurance practices for those services. Individuals will be made aware if/when this is the case for the services being provided.

Is the clinic accepting new patients?

The Clinic is currently accepting new patients.

What is the current wait time?

The wait time for an appointment will depend on the service you are interested in and if you would like to take part in the training clinic. You may call the clinic at 617-643-9580 for the current wait times.

What are the clinics hours?

The clinic is open during normal business hours. We are closed on national/state holidays and weekends.

Where do I go for treatment?

Our services are primarily offered virtually (via a secure video platform within Patient Gateway). When you are scheduling with your provider, please inquire if there are any in-person services available, as they can vary by clinician.

Do you have any active clinic research studies?

In addition to clinical services, the Center for Health Outcomes and Interdisciplinary Research (CHOIR) at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) is an active research center with multiple ongoing clinical research studies. Participation in these clinical research studies is not billed to your insurance. Instead, these are clinical research studies testing specific psychological treatments for specific types of individuals and are offered freely in exchange for your participation. Please refer to our active studies page.